Mateusz Meller
PhD student, EPCC & Hartree Centre (placeholder)
Research Interests:
Quantum computing, programming models, HPC accelerators
I have recently joined EPCC and QSL to start my PhD, investigating programming models for Quantum Computing. At the same time, I am a Computational Scientist at Hartree Centre, working in an Emerging Computational Paradigms Team (part of High-Performance Software Engineering Group).
I am interested in how quantum computers could speed up common HPC applications. More specifically, I am looking at the extension of programming models and integration with classical systems to ensure frictionless adoption of this emerging technology.
I graduated with a degree in Computer Science from Swansea University in 2020 and then received an MSc in High-Performance Computing from the University of Edinburgh in 2021. During my studies, I have investigated topics ranging from applying generative neural networks to real-time data (video streams) to benchmarking the simulated quantum computers.
After that, I joined Hartree Centre in December 2021. Since then, I have been working on integrating quantum computing with classical scientific workflows.